Sunday 01/26/2003 Clearwater, FL Day 2732

What Happened Today? Kay, Jen and I went to see Chris. Kay won 2 games of Phase 10. Tampa Bay Buccaneers win the Super Bowl!! Bucs beat the Oakland Raiders 48-21.

GAIA- Planetary Management: 

886. Tropical plantations which mix fast and slow growing species could be managed to provide fiber and timber.

887. According to the Washington based World Watch Institute, establishing such plantations on just 5% of the area of tropical  forest already cleared could provide almost twice as much industrial wood as is currently harvested from all tropical forests. Image result for Worldwatch Institute

888. Fuelwood plantations are also urgently required in the South to relieve pressure on natural forests.

889. We need to increase five-fold the number of fuelwood trees planted per year, especially around farms and in village woodlots, at an annual cost estimated at $1 billion.

890. The difficulties, however, are not all financial.

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